AMPS Product and Module Definition: The Advanced Multi-Physics Simulation Programs
AMPS products are bundled for different customer needs, and they can be licensed as: AMPS Multiphysics, AMPS Advanced Multiphysics, AMPS Explicit, and optional licenses for fluid and electromagnetic applications.
AMPSolid (component):
Full ACIS solid modeling tool designed specifically for finite element simulation with history playback/rolling, import/export industrial standard ACIS/IGES/STEP solid model for simulation. Automatic 2d/3d/shell tri/quad/mixed, tetra, hexahedron, and high-quality proprietary FlexMesh and Meta-Meshing high quality 3D hexahedron meshing tools.
AMPView (component):
Advanced and convenient pre-/post-processor for finite element analysis, material and boundary condition controls. User supplied DLL for special material and boundary conditions. Convenient dynamic cutting-plane with real-time cross-section contouring, integration, and many design analysis feature such as J-Integral dynamic inquiry and movie animation creation features.
AMPSol (component):
Newest generation Sefeatm (Strain-Enriched FEA) multiphysics finite element software with integrated stress, thermal, fluid, and electromagnetic physics fields. The office tool type FE processor includes static, transient, modal,post-buckling, nonlinear-instability, h-/p-adaptive refinement with advanced automatic load balancing multi-thread pool suitable for multi-CPU and multi-core platforms.
AMPS Multiphysics:
AMPS Multiphysics package includes AMPSolid, AMPView and AMPSol with general-purpose stress static and transient dynamics, modal, linear buckling/instability, h-/p-adaptive refinement. Integrated with thermal heat transfer analysis with full stress coupling, and basic nonlinear feature.
AMPS Advanced Multiphysics:
Expand the AMPS ability with full functions of large strain/rotation deformation, material nonlinearity and full runtime nonlinear material property dependency, advanced contact and arc-length automatic loading stepping, nonlinear post-buckling, and advanced features not included in the basic linear AMPS module. Additional licensing options for fluid, electromagnetic modules can be activated from this Advanced Multiphysics license.
AMPS Explicit:
Explicit add-on transient stress/thermal module for transient impact/crash/fracture analysis with h-adaptive refinement. Advanced features suitable for cutting/chopping and failure/damage analysis.
Fluid/CFD License:
The fluid physics is integrated in AMPS using the newest Least-Squares FEA formulation, and the license can be activated on top of the Advanced module allowing either pure CFD or for continuum-fluid FSI and MHD electromagnetic applications.
Electro/Magnetic License:
The Electro/Magnetic physics is also integrated inside AMPS, and the license can be activated on top of the Advanced module allowing multiphysics application such as Joulian heating or EM force applcations.